The Minehut External Servers Docs provides a step-by-step guide on how to connect a Minecraft server to the Minehut network.

External Server Set Up

<aside> ⚠️ External Servers are an advanced feature. Setting up an external server may be challenging if you do not have experience configuring a proxy. In addition, since you are hosting your own server, the Minehut support team will have a limited ability to help.


Set Up and Configure Your External Server Plan

Step 1: Create an External Server

External servers are servers hosted outside of Minehut. In order to connect an external server to Minehut, you first need to pick an external hosting provider and create a server on their platform. The instructions for doing this vary depending on your host, and you will need to figure this part out on your own.

Things to consider

Before continuing, make sure that you can connect to your server!

Step 2: Configure Minehut Player Authentication

Before players can connect to your server through Minehut you will need to set up your server to use Minehut’s authentication service. Players will only be able to join if you complete this step.

Depending on the type of proxy or server you created in Step 1, follow the directions as listed below:


Add the following CLI flag to your start script: -Dmojang.sessionserver=

When you are done, your script may look something like the following: java -Dmojang.sessionserver= -jar velocity.jar


This proxy type is currently not supported due to an issue in Bungeecord; please use Waterfall instead or switch to Velocity until this is resolved.
