Engagement Metrics

Name Definition
Unique Players The number of unique players.
Stickiness The percentage of users, returning and new, who returned to a game in a given time period.
Visits The number of times players entered a game.
Average Session Length The average duration of time (in seconds) between a player joining a game and leaving the game.
Total Play Time The total duration of time (in seconds) players were in a game.
Average Play Time The average duration of time (in seconds) players were in a game.

Sales Revenue Metrics

Name Definition
Revenue Total spent (Robux or USD) by players. USD is calculated from Robux using the DevEx conversion rate.
Estimated Net Revenue Revenue calculated by estimating Roblox’s and asset creators’ cut using this formula: Dev Product Revenue * 70% + Game Passes Revenue * 70% + Assets Revenue * 40%.
Avg Revenue per Paying Player Revenue divided by Paying Players.
Avg Revenue per Player Revenue divided by Unique Players.
Revenue per Visit (RPV) Revenue divided by Visits.
Paying Players Unique Players who have made a purchase.
Paying Player Percentage Paying Players divided by the number of Unique Players.
Total Purchases Total number of completed purchases.
Avg Revenue per Purchase Revenue divided by Total Purchases.
Avg Purchases per Paying Player Purchases divided by Paying Players.
Avg Purchases per 1,000 Player Purchases divided by players multiplied by 1,000.
Total Prompts Total number of purchase prompts. Excludes prompt where a purchase is not possible (ie. the product is not available for purchase).
Avg Prompts per Player Total Prompts divided by Unique Players.
Prompt to Purchase Conversion Rate Total Purchases divided by Total Prompts.

Ad Revenue Metrics

Name Definition
Impressions The total number of times paid ads were seen by players. Learn more about valid impressions https://bloxbiz.notion.site/Metric-Definitions-94a9660ce584490f9b43270b9d722455.
Reach The number of unique players who recorded at least one impression on a paid ad.
Frequency The average number of impressions recorded per player.
Total Exposure Time The total valid exposure time (seconds) recorded by players. Learn more about valid exposure time https://bloxbiz.notion.site/Metric-Definitions-94a9660ce584490f9b43270b9d722455.
Exposure Reach The number of unique players who recorded at least one valid exposure.
Average Exposure Length The average time (seconds) of all valid exposures. Learn more about valid exposures https://bloxbiz.notion.site/Metric-Definitions-94a9660ce584490f9b43270b9d722455.
Fill Rate The rate (percentage) of when a paid ad is shown.
Amount Earned The total earnings (USD) in a time period.
Average CPM The average CPM (USD) in a time period.

Impressions and Exposures

What is a valid impression?

An impression is 10 seconds of cumulative valid exposure time. For example, a player can view an ad for 5 seconds, look away, and then view it for another 5 seconds for a total of 10 seconds of cumulative valid exposure time.

There are also additional metrics available to see 2-second impressions and 3-second impressions.

What is a valid exposure?

A valid exposure must be at least 0.5 seconds with a viewing angle of less than 55° and must cover at least 1.5% of the screen. Exposures are excluded from players while idling for more than 10 minutes.