Media Campaigns

Campaign Performance

Available for Advanced NPCs, Images, and GIFs.

Name Definition
Impressions The total number of times paid ads were seen by players. Learn more about valid impressions here.
Impressions (3s) The total number of times paid ads were seen by players with 3-seconds of exposure time. Learn more about valid impressions here.
Impressions (2s) The total number of times paid ads were seen by players with 2-seconds of exposure time. Learn more about valid impressions here.
Reach The number of unique players who recorded at least one impression. Learn more about valid impressions here.
Reach (3s) The number of unique players who recorded at least one 3-second impression on a paid ad.
Reach (2s) The number of unique players who recorded at least one 2-second impression on a paid ad.
Frequency The average number of impressions recorded per player.
Total Exposure Time The total valid exposure time (seconds) recorded by players. Learn more about valid exposure time here.
Exposure Reach The number of unique players who recorded at least one valid exposure. Learn more about valid exposure time here.

Advanced NPC Engagement / Brand Lift Study

Available for Advanced NPCs.

Name Definition
Chats The total number of times players started a chat.
Unique Chats The number of unique players who started a chat at least once.
Frequency (Chats) The average number of chats recorded per player.
Starts The total number of times players reached that branch in a chat.
Unique Starts The total number of unique players who reached that branch in a chat.
Frequency (Starts) The average number of starts recorded per player.
Chatting Time The total amount of time players spent chatting.
Responses The number of times players selected a response.
Unique Response The number of unique players who selected a response.
Response Rate The percentage of Unique Players who did respond at least once. Calculated by the number of Unique Responses divided by the number of Unique Chats — the inverse of Dropoff Rate.
Dropoff Rate The percentage of Unique Players who did not respond at least once. Calculated by the number of Unique Exits divided by the number of Unique Chats — the inverse of Response Rate.
Exits The number of times players exit a chat without responding.
Unique Exits The number of unique players who exit a chat without responding.
Engagement Rate Chats divided by total Impressions.
Engaged User Rate Unique Chats divided by Reach.

Video Engagement

Available for Video Ads.

Name Definition
Video Play Impressions The number of times your video plays from the beginning. Video Plays must meet the same view-ability criteria as a Valid Exposure. Learn More
Reach The number of unique players who recorded at least one Video Play.
Frequency The average number of Video Plays per player.
2-Second Video Play The number of times your video plays for at least 2 seconds.
Video Plays CPM The cost per 1,000 video plays.
CPV (2s) The cost per a 2-second continuous view.
2-Second Continuous Video Play The number of times your video was played for 2 continuous seconds or more.
3-Second Video Play The number of times your video plays for at least 3 seconds.
3-Second Continuous Video Play The number of times your video was played for 3 continuous seconds or more.
Video Completion Rate Video Plays at 100% divided by Video Plays.
Video Plays at 25% The number of times your video was played at 25% of its length.
Video Plays at 50% The number of times your video was played at 50% of its length.
Video Plays at 75% The number of times your video was played at 75% of its length.
Video Plays at 100% The number of times your video was played at 100% of its length.
Video Play Time The total time in seconds video was played.
Avg Video Play Time Video Play Time divided by Video Plays.

Portal Engagement

Available for Portal Ads.

Name Definition
Teleports The number of times players navigated through a portal (aka teleported).
Unique Teleports The number of unique players who navigated through a portal (aka teleported).
CPA Cost Per Acquisition. In this case, the cost per teleport.
Impressions & All Billboard Metrics All “Campaign Performance” metrics are available for Portals. See More

Pop Up Shops

Available for Pop Up Shops.

Name Definition
Opens The number of times players opened the popup shop.
Unique Opens The number of unique players who opened the popup shop.
Time Spent The time in seconds that players spent in the popup shop.
Try-Ons The number of times players tried on items in the popup shop.
Unique Try-Ons The number of unique players who tried on items in the popup shop.
Impressions & All Billboard Metrics All “Campaign Performance” metrics are available for Popup Shops. See More

Games and Integrations

In addition to the metrics below, custom metrics can be requested.

Name Definition
Unique Players The number of unique players.
Stickiness The percentage of users, returning and new, who returned to a game in a given time period.
Sessions The number of times players entered a game. Also known as “Visits” on Roblox.
Average Session Length The average duration of time (in seconds) between a player joining a game and leaving the game.
Total Play Time The total duration of time (in seconds) players were in a game.
Average Play Time The average duration of time (in seconds) players were in a game.