Available for Advanced NPCs, Images, and GIFs.
Name | Definition |
Impressions | The total number of times paid ads were seen by players. Learn more about valid impressions here. |
Impressions (3s) | The total number of times paid ads were seen by players with 3-seconds of exposure time. Learn more about valid impressions here. |
Impressions (2s) | The total number of times paid ads were seen by players with 2-seconds of exposure time. Learn more about valid impressions here. |
Reach | The number of unique players who recorded at least one impression. Learn more about valid impressions here. |
Reach (3s) | The number of unique players who recorded at least one 3-second impression on a paid ad. |
Reach (2s) | The number of unique players who recorded at least one 2-second impression on a paid ad. |
Frequency | The average number of impressions recorded per player. |
Total Exposure Time | The total valid exposure time (seconds) recorded by players. Learn more about valid exposure time here. |
Exposure Reach | The number of unique players who recorded at least one valid exposure. Learn more about valid exposure time here. |
Available for Advanced NPCs.
Name | Definition |
Chats | The total number of times players started a chat. |
Unique Chats | The number of unique players who started a chat at least once. |
Frequency (Chats) | The average number of chats recorded per player. |
Starts | The total number of times players reached that branch in a chat. |
Unique Starts | The total number of unique players who reached that branch in a chat. |
Frequency (Starts) | The average number of starts recorded per player. |
Chatting Time | The total amount of time players spent chatting. |
Responses | The number of times players selected a response. |
Unique Response | The number of unique players who selected a response. |
Response Rate | The percentage of Unique Players who did respond at least once. Calculated by the number of Unique Responses divided by the number of Unique Chats — the inverse of Dropoff Rate. |
Dropoff Rate | The percentage of Unique Players who did not respond at least once. Calculated by the number of Unique Exits divided by the number of Unique Chats — the inverse of Response Rate. |
Exits | The number of times players exit a chat without responding. |
Unique Exits | The number of unique players who exit a chat without responding. |
Engagement Rate | Chats divided by total Impressions. |
Engaged User Rate | Unique Chats divided by Reach. |
Available for Video Ads.
Name | Definition |
Video Play Impressions | The number of times your video plays from the beginning. Video Plays must meet the same view-ability criteria as a Valid Exposure. Learn More |
Reach | The number of unique players who recorded at least one Video Play. |
Frequency | The average number of Video Plays per player. |
2-Second Video Play | The number of times your video plays for at least 2 seconds. |
Video Plays CPM | The cost per 1,000 video plays. |
CPV (2s) | The cost per a 2-second continuous view. |
2-Second Continuous Video Play | The number of times your video was played for 2 continuous seconds or more. |
3-Second Video Play | The number of times your video plays for at least 3 seconds. |
3-Second Continuous Video Play | The number of times your video was played for 3 continuous seconds or more. |
Video Completion Rate | Video Plays at 100% divided by Video Plays. |
Video Plays at 25% | The number of times your video was played at 25% of its length. |
Video Plays at 50% | The number of times your video was played at 50% of its length. |
Video Plays at 75% | The number of times your video was played at 75% of its length. |
Video Plays at 100% | The number of times your video was played at 100% of its length. |
Video Play Time | The total time in seconds video was played. |
Avg Video Play Time | Video Play Time divided by Video Plays. |
Available for Portal Ads.
Name | Definition |
Teleports | The number of times players navigated through a portal (aka teleported). |
Unique Teleports | The number of unique players who navigated through a portal (aka teleported). |
CPA | Cost Per Acquisition. In this case, the cost per teleport. |
Impressions & All Billboard Metrics | All “Campaign Performance” metrics are available for Portals. See More |
Available for Pop Up Shops.
Name | Definition |
Opens | The number of times players opened the popup shop. |
Unique Opens | The number of unique players who opened the popup shop. |
Time Spent | The time in seconds that players spent in the popup shop. |
Try-Ons | The number of times players tried on items in the popup shop. |
Unique Try-Ons | The number of unique players who tried on items in the popup shop. |
Impressions & All Billboard Metrics | All “Campaign Performance” metrics are available for Popup Shops. See More |
In addition to the metrics below, custom metrics can be requested.
Name | Definition |
Unique Players | The number of unique players. |
Stickiness | The percentage of users, returning and new, who returned to a game in a given time period. |
Sessions | The number of times players entered a game. Also known as “Visits” on Roblox. |
Average Session Length | The average duration of time (in seconds) between a player joining a game and leaving the game. |
Total Play Time | The total duration of time (in seconds) players were in a game. |
Average Play Time | The average duration of time (in seconds) players were in a game. |