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Popfeed is a cross-game social network that helps you add new content to your game that engages players.

<aside> 🔓 You can add a read-only version of Popfeed to your game where players can see posts. If you want to get access to the full version of Popfeed where players can also make posts, apply for approval in the Popfeed Discord.



Before you start:

  1. Create a Super Biz account

  2. Set up your BloxbizSDK

1. Enable Popfeed in your BloxbizConfig

  1. Open your "BloxbizConfig" in your Replicated Storage
  2. Copy and paste the below code into "BloxbizConfig":
local BloxbizConfig = {}

BloxbizConfig.AccountID = Account ID

BloxbizConfig.PopfeedEnabled = true

-- Display a button for Popfeed in the top left toolbar
BloxbizConfig.PopfeedShowToolbarButton = true

-- Set to true if you have voice chat enabled
BloxbizConfig.IsGameVoiceChatEnabled = false

return BloxbizConfig
  1. Replace where it says Account ID with your Bloxbiz Account ID

2. Open Popfeed with Custom Triggers [Optional]

You can create a variety of interactions that open Popfeed using custom triggers.

Using Custom Triggers

You can open or close Popfeed programmatically with custom triggers.

Use the following code to open the catalog in a LocalScript:

local PlayerScripts = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts
local BloxbizAPI = require(PlayerScripts:WaitForChild('BloxbizSDK').PublicAPI)

-- Call to open the catalog

Use the following code to close the catalog in a LocalScript:

local PlayerScripts = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts
local BloxbizAPI = require(PlayerScripts:WaitForChild('BloxbizSDK').PublicAPI)

-- Call to close the catalog

You can also toggle Popfeed using BloxbizAPI.togglePopfeed()

3. Test and publish your game

First test that Popfeed is working when you run your game in Roblox Studio. If everything looks good, you are finished setting up your game and ready to publish!

To get even more value out of Popfeed, consider marketing Popfeed as an update.


Sharing that you’ve added Popfeed to your game can be an effective way to attract new players to your game and helps educate your existing players about the new feature.

You can market Popfeed as an update to your game in a few ways: