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Product Optimization is a tool that helps you optimize your Dev Products pricing for different segments of users.


Before you start:

  1. Create a Super Biz account

  2. Set up your BloxbizSDK

1. Set up base products in your game

Use the dev products in your game as base products. Base products are wrapped to link together product variants created by you. Variants are an effective way to test different prices.

First, add the following line to your BloxbizConfig:

BloxbizConfig.VariablePricing = true

Next, wrap base products:

  1. Replace game:GetService("MarketplaceService") lines with the following line: local MarketplaceService = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("BloxbizSDK"):WaitForChild("MarketplaceServiceWrapper")). Note: Do NOT use Replace All as it will mess with the SDK.
  2. In your LocalScripts for UI that displays products info (ie. name, price, image), make sure to use MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo to fetch the info. This will make sure that the correct price is displayed when you make price changes.
  3. Whenever referencing dev product IDs in your code, use the base product ID.
  4. Test that products display properly and then publish your game


2. Customize product variants in the Products tab

Now that you have set up your base products, you can dynamically change prices for different audiences in your game.

  1. Go to Products in Super Biz Portal
  2. Find a product you want to optimize and then expand the row so you can see the tiers
  3. Press “Edit” on the price, then “Edit Price Variants,” and then create new Dev Products to set up additional price variants
    1. Go to Roblox to create additional Dev Products that you’ll use as price variants
    2. Create Dev Products priced lower and higher than your base product
    3. When naming your variants, you might need to include a 1 character difference (tip: use characters like . or ! at the end of the name)
    4. Use the same icon as your base product so all users see the same icon
  4. After creating variants, you can now change the price for specific tiers and the price will automatically update in your game
    1. Tip: Tier 1 is highest spenders. Tier 5 is lowest spenders.