đź‘‹Â Welcome
Getting Started
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Beta! Coming soon.
SB Commands helps you drive engagement and monetize your experience. Let players earn or buy ranks that give them access to a variety of customizable commands.
SB Commands is built to be highly customizable:
Before you start:
Open your BloxbizConfig
in your Replicated Storage
Copy and paste the below code into BloxbizConfig
local BloxbizConfig = {}
BloxbizConfig.AccountID = Account ID
BloxbizConfig.SBCommandsEnabled = true
BloxbizConfig.SBCommandsToolbarIcon = 97117264615637 -- Button Image (Image ID)
BloxbizConfig.SBCommandsToolbarButtonLabel = "SB Commands" -- Button Text
return BloxbizConfig
Replace where it says Account ID
with your Bloxbiz Account ID
Create a new ModuleScript in ReplicatedStorage and name it SBCommandsConfig
Copy and paste the below code
local Config = {}
Config.Prefix = ";" -- The command prefix to use infront of the command when typing in chat
Config.DefaultRank = 1 -- The starting rank of a new player
Config.DisableDefaultCommands = false -- If true, the default commands will be removed
return Config
In SBCommandsConfig
you can define ranks. Ranks can have a set of commands as well information for players on how to unlock that rank. Here is an example:
local Config = {}
Config.Ranks = {
[1] = {
Name = "Starter", -- The name of the rank
Commands = {"bighead", "smallhead", "superwalk", "loserwalk", "superjump", "loserjump"}, -- List of command ids the rank can access
ObtainDescription = "This is how you can obtain this rank!", -- A text describing how players can obtain the rank
ObtainButtonText = "Buy Rank", -- A button text to let players quickly get the rank
ObtainButtonCallback = function(player) -- A callback function to handle on button click
-- An example on prompting a gamepass for the rank
local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
MarketplaceService:PromptGamePassPurchase(player, gamepassId)
[2] = {
Name = "Advanced",
Commands = {"_previous", "bring", "to", "customcommand"}, -- "_previous" will give the rank access to all the commands from the previous rank ("Starter" rank)
ObtainDescription = "This is how you can obtain this rank!",
ObtainButtonText = "Buy Rank",
ObtainButtonCallback = function(player)
[3] = {
Name = "Admin",
Commands = {"_all",}, -- "_all" will give the rank access to all the commands
ObtainDescription = "This is how you can obtain this rank!",
ObtainButtonText = "Buy Rank",
ObtainButtonCallback = function(player)
return Config
Define what commands a rank has access to:
{"command1", "command2",…}
- use a list to give a rank access to specific commands{"_all"}
- use _all
to give a rank access to all commandsObtain Setting
Guide players to unlock a rank:
ObtainDescription = "Requires gamepass"
- include helpful information on how to unlock the rank (eg., “Requires gamepass”, “Complete level 2”, “Find the golden egg”)
ObtainButtonText = "Buy"
- this button will trigger the callback
ObtainButtonCallback = ...
- trigger a function to obtain the rank (eg., prompt a gamepass, teleport a player somewhere)
-- gamepass example
ObtainButtonCallback = function(player)
local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
MarketplaceService:PromptGamePassPurchase(player, gamepassId)
In SBCommandsConfig
you can define commands. There are default commands you can use or disable or override. You can also freely define your own commands. Here is an example:
local Config = {}
Config.ModifyCommands = {
-- Disable a specific default command (CommandId = false)
smallhead = false,
-- Modify a default command's name and description
smallhead = {
Name = "TinyHead", -- New name of the command
Description = "Gives a player a tiny head", -- New description of the command
-- Add a custom command
customcommand = { -- Command id which you use to give ranks access to this command
Name = "CustomCommand", -- Command name
Description = "This is a custom command", -- Command description
Callback = function(player, args) -- Handle all the game server logic for the command here (player = the player that used the command)
local targetPlayer = args[1]
print(player.Name .. " used the CustomCommand on player " .. targetPlayer.Name)
return Config