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SB Commands helps you drive engagement and monetize your experience. Let players earn or buy ranks that give them access to a variety of customizable commands.

SB Commands is built to be highly customizable:


Before you start:

  1. Create a Super Biz account

  2. Set up your BloxbizSDK

1. Enable SB Commands in your BloxbizConfig

  1. Open your BloxbizConfig in your Replicated Storage

  2. Copy and paste the below code into BloxbizConfig:

    local BloxbizConfig = {}
    BloxbizConfig.AccountID = Account ID
    BloxbizConfig.SBCommandsEnabled = true
    BloxbizConfig.SBCommandsToolbarIcon = 97117264615637 -- Button Image (Image ID)
    BloxbizConfig.SBCommandsToolbarButtonLabel = "SB Commands" -- Button Text
    return BloxbizConfig
  3. Replace where it says Account ID with your Bloxbiz Account ID

2. Set up SBCommandsConfig

  1. Create a new ModuleScript in ReplicatedStorage and name it SBCommandsConfig .

  2. Copy and paste the below code

    local Config = {}
    Config.Prefix = ";" -- The command prefix to use infront of the command when typing in chat
    Config.DefaultRank = 1 -- The starting rank of a new player
    Config.DisableDefaultCommands = false -- If true, the default commands will be removed
    return Config

3. Customize ranks in SBCommandsConfig

In SBCommandsConfig you can define ranks. Ranks can have a set of commands as well information for players on how to unlock that rank. Here is an example:

local Config = {}


Config.Ranks = {
	[1] = {
		Name = "Starter", -- The name of the rank
		Commands = {"bighead", "smallhead", "superwalk", "loserwalk", "superjump", "loserjump"}, -- List of command ids the rank can access
		ObtainDescription = "This is how you can obtain this rank!", -- A text describing how players can obtain the rank
		ObtainButtonText = "Buy Rank", -- A button text to let players quickly get the rank
		ObtainButtonCallback = function(player) -- A callback function to handle on button click
			-- An example on prompting a gamepass for the rank
			local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
			MarketplaceService:PromptGamePassPurchase(player, gamepassId)
	[2] = {
		Name = "Advanced",
		Commands = {"_previous", "bring", "to", "customcommand"}, -- "_previous" will give the rank access to all the commands from the previous rank ("Starter" rank)
		ObtainDescription = "This is how you can obtain this rank!",
		ObtainButtonText = "Buy Rank",
		ObtainButtonCallback = function(player)

	[3] = {
		Name = "Admin",
		Commands = {"_all",}, -- "_all" will give the rank access to all the commands
		ObtainDescription = "This is how you can obtain this rank!",
		ObtainButtonText = "Buy Rank",
		ObtainButtonCallback = function(player)


return Config

Rank Customization


Define what commands a rank has access to:

Obtain Setting

Guide players to unlock a rank:

3. Customize ranks in SBCommandsConfig

In SBCommandsConfig you can define commands. There are default commands you can use or disable or override. You can also freely define your own commands. Here is an example:

local Config = {}


Config.ModifyCommands = {
	-- Disable a specific default command (CommandId = false)
	smallhead = false,

	-- Modify a default command's name and description
	smallhead = {
		Name = "TinyHead", -- New name of the command
		Description = "Gives a player a tiny head", -- New description of the command

	-- Add a custom command
	customcommand = { -- Command id which you use to give ranks access to this command
		Name = "CustomCommand", -- Command name
		Description = "This is a custom command", -- Command description
		Callback = function(player, args) -- Handle all the game server logic for the command here (player = the player that used the command)
			local targetPlayer = args[1]
			print(player.Name .. " used the CustomCommand on player " .. targetPlayer.Name)

return Config